The crisis within the Church is not just addressing dwindling attendance but something much more destructive: pornography. This hidden foe infiltrates the lives of believers, affecting not only congregants but even leaders of faith. It is time to unveil this insidious issue, acknowledge its prevalence, and rally for collective action toward healing and freedom.
The Shocking Reality
Recent statistics expose a startling truth within the Christian community. Two out of three Christian men confess to consuming pornography on a monthly basis, with an even more alarming trend among young believers. A national survey among devoted Christian college students reveals an unsettling fact: nine out of ten indulge in occasional viewing, with over six incorporating it into their weekly routines. The easy accessibility and anonymity provided by the internet have led to a surge in the exposure of religious individuals to explicit content.
The battle against porn addiction extends beyond congregants; it penetrates the core of the Church—pastoral leadership. Studies indicate that 50% of pastors wrestle with their own struggles against pornography. This internal conflict becomes a significant hurdle when guiding those grappling with similar issues within the congregation.
Breaking the Silence
Despite the existence of support programs within churches, the shame associated with porn addiction deters many from seeking help. Only a mere 10% of Christian men facing this challenge reach out for assistance, often waiting until the crisis escalates to an extreme level. The shame porn causes creates more and more guilt which then exacerbates shame even more. It is a downward spiral that can consume an individual leading to isolation and severe depression. It is time to shatter the silence and confront the crisis within the Church.
Understanding the Insidious Nature
Scripture does not shy away from addressing the issue of pornography. Multiple passages, including 1 Peter 2:11, Matthew 5:27-28, and Ephesians 5:3, underscore the spiritual consequences of lustful desires. The quiet destructiveness of pornography erodes the yearning for spiritual connection, fostering shame that hampers spiritual growth and builds a barrier between individuals and God.
While some may view pornography as harmless entertainment, it carries significant consequences. Behind the scenes, those involved often endure unimaginable pain for the pleasure of viewers. Meanwhile, consumers unknowingly dishonor themselves, their partners, and their families, and ultimately face spiritual consequences. Jesus warned that visual lust is akin to adultery, highlighting the seriousness of this matter (Matthew 5:28).
A Call to Action
Breaking free from a porn addiction may seem daunting, but you’re not alone. The Church can play a pivotal role in providing support, yet only a mere 7% of pastors actively seek solutions. If you find yourself struggling, remember that you don’t have to face this battle single-handedly. Reach out for support and embrace a journey towards liberation.
Having walked the difficult path of overcoming pornography addiction, I implore you not to face this challenge in isolation. Surrender control, embrace the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and embark on a path of purity. Utilize available resources, such as my 30-day devotional on sexual purity and the transformative (and free) online Freedom Fight program. Together, let us collectively shine a light on the darkness of pornography and embark on a journey toward freedom and restoration.