As Christians, we believe in an absolute truth, rooted in the character and will of the Almighty God. In our modern world, truth is often seen as a moving target, with opinions and perspectives changing depending on the latest social norms, circumstances, and personal preferences. However, we hold fast to the existence of an objective and unchanging reality that transcends human experiences and cultural trends. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the concept of absolute truth, its importance to the Christian faith, and how we can find it amidst the noise and confusion of a relativistic culture.
Absolute Truth Defined
Absolute truth refers to a reality that exists independently of human preferences, opinions, and biases. It is not subjective but objective, meaning it can be verified and experienced by everyone regardless of their cultural, social, or personal background. Absolute truth is often associated with the concept of God, who is the ultimate source of all truth and wisdom. The Bible, which is the primary source of Christian doctrine and practice, teaches that God is unchanging and eternal, and therefore, His truth is also unchanging and eternal (Malachi 3:6, Psalms 119:89-90).
Why Absolute Truth Matters to Christians
For Christians, absolute truth is not an abstract concept but a fundamental reality that shapes our worldview, beliefs, and conduct. Absolute truth provides a solid foundation for our faith, as it assures us that God’s promises and principles are trustworthy and reliable. It also gives us a clear and consistent understanding of who God is and what He expects of us, as revealed in His Word. Without absolute truth, our faith would be based on fleeting emotions, cultural trends, and personal preferences, which can be easily swayed and misguided.
However, the idea of absolute truth is often met with skepticism in today’s society. Many people believe that truth is subjective and varies from culture to culture or person to person. They argue that personal experience and interpretation determine what is true. While we cannot disregard the importance of personal experiences, it is vital to understand that subjective truth is not reliable or consistent.
In contrast, absolute truth aligns with God’s unchanging nature and character. For instance, we know that lying is wrong and unacceptable in all cultures and societies. It is not determined by personal perceptions or opinions. Similarly, our belief and faith in God’s Son, Jesus Christ, is grounded in absolute truth. His birth, death, and resurrection have been documented and verified, remaining the same through the centuries.
An Unrestrained Truth
As humans, we are finite and limited in our knowledge and understanding. However, God’s truth is infinite and eternal. His Word reveals His character and nature, and His commands serve as guidelines for our lives. This truth is not constrained by human experiences or opinions, but it is applicable to everyone regardless of their circumstances or backgrounds.
In addition, the idea of absolute truth is often seen as limiting or restrictive. However, following God’s truth provides us with freedom, joy, and peace. The Bible teaches us that obedience to God’s commands leads to a vibrant and meaningful life. For instance, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Following Him and trusting Him brings us salvation, healing, and a blessed life.
Moreover, the concept of absolute truth provides us with a foundation for morality and ethics. It allows us to discern right from wrong, good from evil. Without the belief in absolute truth, everything is permissible, and the notion of what is right or wrong becomes blurred. As Christians, we are called to be the salt and light of the world, bringing hope and truth to a world lost in darkness.
How to Find Absolute Truth
While absolute truth is essential to Christianity, it can be challenging to discern it amidst the noisy and confusing voices of our culture. However, there are some ways that we can find and adhere to absolute truth in our daily lives:
Read and study the Bible: As the ultimate authority on God’s truth, the Bible is our primary source of guidance and wisdom. By reading and studying the Bible, we can discover God’s principles, promises, and plans for our lives, and apply them in our daily decisions and actions.
Seek guidance from the Holy Spirit: As Christians, we believe in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, who guides us in all truth and wisdom (John 16:13). By cultivating a close relationship with the Holy Spirit through prayer, worship, and obedience, we can receive discernment and clarity on God’s will and purposes.
Seek counsel from wise and mature Christians: We are not meant to walk the Christian journey alone but in community with other believers. By seeking counsel from wise and mature Christians, we can receive feedback, correction, and encouragement in our pursuit of truth and holiness.
Final Thoughts
Absolute truth is not a relic of the past but a living reality that continues to guide and transform millions of lives around the world. As Christians, we believe that absolute truth is not only essential but possible to find and apply in our daily lives. By relying on God’s Word, seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit, and participating in a community of faith, we can discover the unchanging principles of the Almighty God and live according to His will and purposes.
For additional insight, see this post as well as this article.