Left Behind
Sometimes a deeper look at the words used such as “left behind” can open up...
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Sometimes a deeper look at the words used such as “left behind” can open up...
Meekness is in no way the same as weakness. Meekness can be described as an...
Throughout Scripture, when there is open rebellion against God, there are direct consequences in the...
The sin of antinomianism is a fairly common evil, both in the early church and...
Being fed with milk is an expression that indicates an individual’s level of physical growth,...
It is a common saying among professing Christians to recite “Be in the world, but...
What did Jesus have to say about being an unworthy guest? Plenty. Let’s look closer...
New year, new wineskins? How can we take this beautiful piece of Scripture and apply...
No place for Him. As we draw near to celebrating Christmas, let’s take a little...
What exactly does it mean we are a new creation in Christ? Do we feel...
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